5pm Saturdays Worship of St. Mary Magdalene Community is located at the First Congregational Church of Christ Chapel 2801 Lomas Blvd NE, Abq NM 87106 is a communal experience where the presider facilitates our Mass celebration, yet all present create community and really make this a time of worship as the Body of Christ. We open our Eucharistic table of bread and wine to anyone who feels drawn to Christ regardless of denomination just as Jesus, the God of loaves and fishes, opened his arms and fed thousands. We invite you to participate to the extent you feel comfortable. We share responsibility as lectors, readers of our petitions, preparers of our table, and Eucharistic Ministers. And we join our presider in shared prayer throughout our liturgy, including the Eucharistic Prayer.
5pm Saturdays Worship of St. Mary Magdalene Community is located at the First Congregational Church of Christ Chapel 2801 Lomas Blvd NE, Abq NM 87106 is a communal experience where the presider facilitates our Mass celebration, yet all present create community and really make this a time of worship as the Body of Christ. We open our Eucharistic table of bread and wine to anyone who feels drawn to Christ regardless of denomination just as Jesus, the God of loaves and fishes, opened his arms and fed thousands. We invite you to participate to the extent you feel comfortable. We share responsibility as lectors, readers of our petitions, preparers of our table, and Eucharistic Ministers. And we join our presider in shared prayer throughout our liturgy, including the Eucharistic Prayer.