On Oct 23, 2013 Rachel was accepted as a Novice and I was fully professed with the Franciscan house in Las Cruces NM. We have a vision to establish a Secular Franciscan fraternity here in Abq NM. Our start up date wad Nov 13, 2013 Join us each second Saturday at 10 am -11 am at the Meditation Space, 2909th St. Abq NM 87107. Our next meeting is Dec 14, 2013
The St. Mary Magdalene community likewise seeks to be a transforming presence in the world, challenging the Church to self-examination and reform, and reaching out to the world to bring healing and a witness to peace. Perhaps you share this vision, and you or someone you know would like to be part of making this dream a reality. We invite you to join us!
Call us 505345-3677 email [email protected]
The St. Mary Magdalene community likewise seeks to be a transforming presence in the world, challenging the Church to self-examination and reform, and reaching out to the world to bring healing and a witness to peace. Perhaps you share this vision, and you or someone you know would like to be part of making this dream a reality. We invite you to join us!
Call us 505345-3677 email [email protected]

Our vision begins with the story of St. Francis of Assisi. In the early thirteenth century, Francis was praying before the large Byzantine-style crucifix hanging in the little dilapidated church of San Damiano, just a mile outside of Assisi, when he heard the voice of the crucified Christ calling to him: "Go, rebuild my house."This was one of a series of transforming moments for Francis, whose simple commitment to the Gospel soon became the foundation for one of the most powerful reform movements in the history of Christianity. Three centuries before the Reformation, Francis was challenging the Church to look at itself critically, and to re-think its way of living out the Gospel in the world.

The Three Aims of the Order
To make our Lord known and loved everywhere.
By word and example, Franciscan Servants witness to Christ in their daily lives. By prayer and sacrifice, we help forward God's work wherever He has called us.To spread the spirit of fellowship.By working happily with people of different race, color, creed, education and opportunity, Franciscan Servants seek to break down the divisions in the world. We try to live in the spirit of St. Francis' prayer: "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace." To live simply. Acknowledging that everything belongs to God, we seek to use His gifts wisely and to be good stewards of this fragile earth, never destroying or wasting what God has made. We provide the things necessary for ourselves and our families without demanding luxuries. We seek never to forget the needs of others.
To make our Lord known and loved everywhere.
By word and example, Franciscan Servants witness to Christ in their daily lives. By prayer and sacrifice, we help forward God's work wherever He has called us.To spread the spirit of fellowship.By working happily with people of different race, color, creed, education and opportunity, Franciscan Servants seek to break down the divisions in the world. We try to live in the spirit of St. Francis' prayer: "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace." To live simply. Acknowledging that everything belongs to God, we seek to use His gifts wisely and to be good stewards of this fragile earth, never destroying or wasting what God has made. We provide the things necessary for ourselves and our families without demanding luxuries. We seek never to forget the needs of others.