WELCOME TO THE St. Mary Magdalene Community
The St. Mary Magdalene Community welcomes visitors to every worship service. We look forward to greeting you personally, and we hope that the answers to these frequently asked questions will help you feel at home.
We're glad you're here!
St. Mary Magdalene Community is an Inclusive Catholic community and a member of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion.
We Seek to provide an inclusive and welcoming Catholic Community, sharing the richness of the Catholic faith tradition, open to a progressive Catholic theology, available and accessible regardless of age, race, national origin, religious affiliation, gender or sexual orientation, and welcoming all regardless of differing abilities. We desire to provide a source for deepening an individual's personal commitment to the life, teachings, and spirit of Jesus through prayer, study and mutual support. We also seek to be engaged in social justice outreach rooted in Christian gospel values, interacting with the wider community. We are a gay friendly community.
Our basic beliefs are summarized in:
The teachings and person of Jesus Christ
The New Testament The Nicene Creed The Sacramental & Liturgical tradition Apostolic Tradition and Succession affirmed
We are an open and affirming communion recognizing the value and dignity of every person, in our God given diversity regardless of your heritage, culture, financial status, sexual orientation, age, gender, or marital status.
We celebrate all seven sacraments with the two major sacraments being Baptism and Holy Communion in obedience to the teaching of Jesus Christ.
We recognize that Jesus is the host of the Eucharistic celebration and therefore all are welcome to the table of the Lord at St. Mary Magdalene Community !
The order of service is contained in a bulletin. We customarily stand to praise God (when we sing), sit to learn (when we hear the lessons, the sermon, or announcements).We follow the order of service and participate audibly in the people's responses. We also spend time during each service greeting one another with a sign of peace. Customarily we are "huggers", but shaking hands is just fine, too. The "peace", as we call it, is a great time to meet other members of St. Mary Magdalene. Feel free to stand, sit, kneel, and share the "peace" with the congregation as you feel comfortable. If you need assistance in finding your place as we move through the service, a member of our congregation is always willing to help you.
All baptized persons are welcome, and encouraged to join us at Christ’s Table. Our custom is to come to the Center of the chapel and receive the host in our open hands. After consuming the Bread, we receive the cup, guiding it to our lips with one hand for a small taste of precious Blood. Children who have been baptized may receive Communion at St. Mary Magdalene Community. Children who do not receive Communion are encouraged to accompany their parents, cross their arms over their chest, and receive a prayer of blessing.
You can learn more about Christianity by becoming involved in our Parish community. As you make friends here, you will experience the love of Jesus Christ in action. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions through our Inquirer's Class and small study groups. We offer a wide variety of ministry and fellowship opportunities throughout the year. We hope you will join us. Our Clergy and active members all want to meet you and they will be glad to answer any questions you might have.
You may join by profession of faith in Jesus Christ, followed by baptism, if you are not already baptized. If you have been baptized, you may have a record of baptism sent from your former Church, regardless of the denomination, fill out a confirmation form, attend Inquirers Classes, and be confirmed?. If you have already been confirmed in a similar denomination, you might also be able to join by reception. If you are interested in joining St. Mary Magdalene Community you should plan to attend an Inquirer’s Class, offered at different times throughout the year, and prepare to be received or confirmed by our Presiding Bishop. If you are looking for a church home or just have questions about St. Mary Magdalene Community or your faith, our clergy will be glad to talk to you.
Our regular worship service is held at 5 pm every Saturday Evening at the First Congregational Chapel 2801 Lomas/ Vassar. Adult education classes are held at varying times during the year. Throughout the year we hold a variety of special activities, such as Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, Bible studies, and the Annual Blessing of the Animals. The Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalene publishes in our weekly Constant Contact. Give us your email and we will include it in our weekly publication which lists weekly scripture readings, activities, prayers and concerns of the parish and other special features. You may also keep checking our website to learn more about us, our denomination, and our upcoming activities.
The St. Mary Magdalene Community welcomes visitors to every worship service. We look forward to greeting you personally, and we hope that the answers to these frequently asked questions will help you feel at home.
We're glad you're here!
St. Mary Magdalene Community is an Inclusive Catholic community and a member of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion.
We Seek to provide an inclusive and welcoming Catholic Community, sharing the richness of the Catholic faith tradition, open to a progressive Catholic theology, available and accessible regardless of age, race, national origin, religious affiliation, gender or sexual orientation, and welcoming all regardless of differing abilities. We desire to provide a source for deepening an individual's personal commitment to the life, teachings, and spirit of Jesus through prayer, study and mutual support. We also seek to be engaged in social justice outreach rooted in Christian gospel values, interacting with the wider community. We are a gay friendly community.
Our basic beliefs are summarized in:
The teachings and person of Jesus Christ
The New Testament The Nicene Creed The Sacramental & Liturgical tradition Apostolic Tradition and Succession affirmed
We are an open and affirming communion recognizing the value and dignity of every person, in our God given diversity regardless of your heritage, culture, financial status, sexual orientation, age, gender, or marital status.
We celebrate all seven sacraments with the two major sacraments being Baptism and Holy Communion in obedience to the teaching of Jesus Christ.
We recognize that Jesus is the host of the Eucharistic celebration and therefore all are welcome to the table of the Lord at St. Mary Magdalene Community !
The order of service is contained in a bulletin. We customarily stand to praise God (when we sing), sit to learn (when we hear the lessons, the sermon, or announcements).We follow the order of service and participate audibly in the people's responses. We also spend time during each service greeting one another with a sign of peace. Customarily we are "huggers", but shaking hands is just fine, too. The "peace", as we call it, is a great time to meet other members of St. Mary Magdalene. Feel free to stand, sit, kneel, and share the "peace" with the congregation as you feel comfortable. If you need assistance in finding your place as we move through the service, a member of our congregation is always willing to help you.
All baptized persons are welcome, and encouraged to join us at Christ’s Table. Our custom is to come to the Center of the chapel and receive the host in our open hands. After consuming the Bread, we receive the cup, guiding it to our lips with one hand for a small taste of precious Blood. Children who have been baptized may receive Communion at St. Mary Magdalene Community. Children who do not receive Communion are encouraged to accompany their parents, cross their arms over their chest, and receive a prayer of blessing.
You can learn more about Christianity by becoming involved in our Parish community. As you make friends here, you will experience the love of Jesus Christ in action. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions through our Inquirer's Class and small study groups. We offer a wide variety of ministry and fellowship opportunities throughout the year. We hope you will join us. Our Clergy and active members all want to meet you and they will be glad to answer any questions you might have.
You may join by profession of faith in Jesus Christ, followed by baptism, if you are not already baptized. If you have been baptized, you may have a record of baptism sent from your former Church, regardless of the denomination, fill out a confirmation form, attend Inquirers Classes, and be confirmed?. If you have already been confirmed in a similar denomination, you might also be able to join by reception. If you are interested in joining St. Mary Magdalene Community you should plan to attend an Inquirer’s Class, offered at different times throughout the year, and prepare to be received or confirmed by our Presiding Bishop. If you are looking for a church home or just have questions about St. Mary Magdalene Community or your faith, our clergy will be glad to talk to you.
Our regular worship service is held at 5 pm every Saturday Evening at the First Congregational Chapel 2801 Lomas/ Vassar. Adult education classes are held at varying times during the year. Throughout the year we hold a variety of special activities, such as Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, Bible studies, and the Annual Blessing of the Animals. The Parish Church of St. Mary Magdalene publishes in our weekly Constant Contact. Give us your email and we will include it in our weekly publication which lists weekly scripture readings, activities, prayers and concerns of the parish and other special features. You may also keep checking our website to learn more about us, our denomination, and our upcoming activities.